4 Unique and Unusual Chairs As Great Furniture Ideas For Your Home

4 Unique and Unusual Chairs As Great Furniture Ideas For Your Home

The chairs – a huge platform for the imagination of the designer. Despite the fact that they are rarely an essential element in the interior, in their power to radically change the atmosphere of any room. If the chair harmoniously combines the original design, practicality, and convenience, it will perfectly fit into any design plan. Unique and unusual chairs made to order, always become the main accents in any design project. Here the variation of masters and folk artisans knows no bounds. In markets, fairs, furniture stores or on the Internet, you can find any chairs, and after talking with their authors and making their adjustments, you can get a unique piece of furniture.

Unique and Unusual Chairs: A Library Chair.

If you are a book lover, this chair is just perfect for you. Sit back, rest and choose your book from the “seat library” and enjoy some time with your book. The Bibliochaise is an armchair-library that can store up to five meters of your favorite books. You can customize this chair to your preferences as it is available in different types of wood (and colors). Also, the cushions come in a range of colors and fabrics.

library chair


Wing Lounge Chair

This recliner is made for serious cocooning and is the closest you can get to weightlessness. The upholstery in the Wing Chair made by open cell visco-elastic foam, developed by NASA and used in all space crafts since the 70s. The foam adapts to your body shape and temperature leaving you in cosmic comfort. It is also probably the biggest single piece of bend wood ever used to create a chair. It’s cover in the thick layer of superb Lauro Preto veneer. Supplied with ottoman and a pivot safe glass holder.

wing loung chair


Cube Chair

This chair made for people who are always on the move. People who need to pack and move. You can easily pack it into a free box, as you can see from the pictures. Made from wood, aluminum, leather this chair is a beautiful piece of furniture but is a little bit expensive.

cube chair 2

cube chair


ZERO™ Chaise Lounge

The ZERO chaise is the metaphoric relationship of suspension under tension.The concept of weightlessness is express in visual form, with its long extended base traveling as one continuous line. The seat trusts forward from the thin, 1″ thick polished steel base.A 2″x3″ polished steel tubular post seamlessly enters the backside of the seat, as the seat cushion continues to follow the 2″ profile line. The large can’t lever been carefully engineered to make the seemingly impossible, possible.The chaise lounge also disassembles for shipping which further adds to the mystery behind its strength.

zero chair

via freshome

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